Botox for wrinkles – what is worth knowing? Even the highest quality creams or serums will not cope with mimic wrinkles. These are wrinkles that are caused by the movements of our facial muscles, and classic cosmetics are not able to reach that deep. An alternative solution to such a problem is botox. What is worth knowing about it?

What is Botox?

Botox, in the English language version is botox, i.e. botulinum toxin type A, simply put, botulinum toxin. It is produced by botulism bacteria. It is a toxin that can hurt us in larger amounts, but in smaller amounts it works therapeutically. It affects our neuromuscular plate, i.e. it causes a temporary inhibition of muscle movement by damaging the neuromuscular endings. This effect of Botox has many advantages that have been appreciated by aesthetic medicine. Already 50 years ago, botulinum toxin was used to treat various diseases, such as eyelid spasms, strabismus or too much muscle tension. It is still used today for exactly the same purpose. We can use it for adults and children.

Botox, the best choice for mimic wrinkles

Botulinum toxin is used in aesthetic medicine to remove mimic wrinkles. This is a type of wrinkles that appears very quickly, and its first manifestations can be seen after the age of twenty. Most often they appear on the face as a result of many muscle movements, i.e. smiling, squinting or frowning. This is a type of wrinkles that is practically impossible to eliminate by using cosmetics. This is because they do not reach the places where wrinkles actually appear. Aesthetic medicine is the best option in such a situation, because it allows us to achieve great results without risking more serious side effects.

What does the procedure look like?

The treatment of eliminating wrinkles is very short and does not require any preparation from us. It takes about 15 minutes and is performed in an aesthetic medicine office. Before botulinum toxin is injected into a given place, the patient’s interview with the doctor must take place. On its basis and specific tests, the specialist will choose the right amount of the preparation and the place where it will be used. No anesthesia will be needed, because very thin needles are used, so the patient will hardly feel the puncture itself. After the treatment, we may notice minor ailments, such as swelling, bruising or redness, which should disappear after a maximum of a week. During this period, you should not massage the area of ​​​​the face that has been treated.

We should also avoid high temperatures, sauna, swimming pool or sunbathing. The first noticeable results will appear after 2-3 days, but we will wait for the full effect until about 2 weeks. The effects of eliminating wrinkles will stay with us for about 4-6 months, after which they will slowly disappear. After this time, we will be able to repeat the treatment to make the effect more durable and longer. In some cases, hyaluronic acid is also used. It is a substance that is naturally found in our skin and it determines how firm and moisturized our skin is. It is used together with botox when, apart from wrinkles, we also deal with a lack of firmness or volume of the patient’s skin.

Botox – not only against wrinkles?

Botulinum toxin is primarily used to reduce wrinkles, but it has also found other applications. In addition to eliminating wrinkles, Botox is also used to fight hyperhidrosis, i.e. excessive sweating of places such as armpits, hands, feet or foreheads. Botox injected into these places will cause the sweat glands to be temporarily blocked, which will reduce sweating. In addition, it is also used to treat migraine headaches.

Contraindications to the use of Botox

There are several situations that prevent us from using Botox. Belong to them:

          • pregnancy or breastfeeding time,
          • Hypersensitivity to ingredients such as albumin,
          • Blood clotting problems
          • Skin damage at the site of potential surgery,
          • Problems with neuromuscular conduction,
          • Use of certain medications, such as antispasmodics.

Where to use the treatment?

Currently, there is no shortage of aesthetic medicine clinics where we can take advantage of the treatment of wrinkle reduction with the use of Botox. It should be noted that the treatment should be carried out only by a specialist, i.e. a qualified doctor of aesthetic medicine. Proposals for treatments outside the offices should not be accepted. If we agree to it, we must take into account the high probability of an incorrectly carried out process, which will result in, for example, permanent facial deformation. None of us want that, so let’s be careful where we choose. It is very easy to be deceived these days, so be careful.

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